Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Confessions of a Thrift Store junkie

Confession time!  I spend more time reading other people's blogs than I do tending to my own and blogging on a consistent basis.  I think part of this is because I have doubts as to whether anyone out there is actually reading or caring about my thoughts.  I honestly think this is more for me than for others......but it is my prayer that others will and do read the blog and are blessed by it in some way.

So, while reading other people's blogs, I often come across some very convicting thoughts that I feel compelled to share on my own blog.  This particular entry comes along side the changes I am making in my life and were extremely relevant to why I began this blog in the first place.  This entry comes from one of my favorite bloggers at Biblical Homemaking.  I have inserted my thoughts to her post in red so you can see what convicted me and how her words affected me......

Here is something that needs to come into the light: I'm a compulsive thrift store shopper. <I really AM!> I buy things I don't need because they are a bargain and they help support whatever my fantasy du jour happens to be. If something can be got for nothing, I want it. If something grossly expensive can be got for a few dollars, I'll put out.

Have you been there too? We want- we find- it doesn’t satisfy- so we go back for more in hope that the next thing will. It’s endless, and it’s because there is no hope in stuff. <There really isn't....and this is the point I got to when I started my own de-cluttering process>

Luke 12:15 really hits home for me here. Jesus says, “And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

This life has nothing to do with the things that you own.


Unfortunately, thrifting makes it really easy to own more stuff and makes it easier to love it more too. Without even realizing it, our reason for thrifting becomes so that we can have more, for less- for ourselves and our own profit. I’m sad to say I’ve done it, over and over again. It’s just awful. <OUCH!>
But my hope is that we can all thrift- and that we can do it for God’s glory.
That instead of being thrilled that we can proudly wear the very best brand for pennies, we can be thankful that the Lord provided us with clothing that will last so that we can afford to give more to others. <Am I doing this, Lord?  I already know the answer.....and I heard your message loud and clear.  You can put the 2 x 4 down now.>
That because we didn’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to clothe our children, we can afford to take the clothing we thrifted and pass it along to other families in need for free.
That we can afford to buy a thrifted microwave for an elderly lady who doesn’t have an affordable way to cook her food this winter. Or a little dining table for that sweet young couple that has no furniture.
That we can resell the items we find so that we can give more generously to others in need, and not so that we can buy more for ourselves.
That we can thrift, providing needed household items and clothing for our children and others while being wise in our purchases, always working for the benefit of our family and our Father in Heaven, and not seeking for ourselves or our own glory.
He can do it, you guys. He can bring glory to Himself in our thrifting. I know He can!
Let’s pray that we can do all things for Him, and have faith that He will do His work in us. I am so, so excited to see what will happen when we give even our thrifting over to Him! May everything be for His glory! :D
<Convicted yet?>

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Okay, so this tag comes from one of my favorite bloggers at The Year of Less.  She and I, although we have never met, think very much alike.  She posted a video called The Advent Conspiracy.  Check it out!

The day after she posted the video, I was having lunch with my pastor and friend.  I had shared the video with him that morning and when we got together he handed me a book with the same title.  I am even more convinced and convicted that my family will become more intentional and more relational this Christmas.

What are your thoughts?

Thursday, October 18, 2012 apologies for those checking my blog posts.  I have been absent for a while. 

When I gave this blog its title, I didn't anticipate what types of CHANGES were actually coming my way.  In mid-September, my entire office was closed and we all found ourselves unemployed.  This was the second time we had had such a layoff in the past nine months and I was totally shocked.  In the midst of this new development, however, I found that other changes that I had been making in my life were good.  Scratch that....they were great!

Planning Ahead 

Pinterest has become my new favorite thing.  After I got over my initial fascination for it all, I began to scout for ideas for receipes that I can make and freeze ahead of time or cook in my crockpot.  After selecting about twelve fun meals for my family, I make a grocery list and check my pantry to see what items I may already have.  This extra step saves me from buying unneeded items that not only clutter up my cupboards but also spend money I don't need to spend.  After I know what ingredients I need to make the meals I have selected, I start checking the sale fliers.  It is not uncomming for me to go to two or three stores to hit the sales.  Then I check my coupons.  Yes.....I'm one of "those people".....just not quite as extreme as some that have been featured on television recently.  Coupons help my family stretch our dollars and who can't use that these days? 

So, armed with my list, menu plans and coupons and fortified by an iced coffee, I head out to shop.  My grocery budget is set for each week and I try not to ever go over it unless there is a really great sale to stock up on something we use all the time.  Once home from the stores, I begin to cook ahead.  This is my favorite part.  I pre-cook and/or package enough meals for at least 1 week and typically 2 weeks at a time.  I also cook breakfast items ahead like waffles, breakfast burritos and muffins and freeze them so the kids can take something out of the freezer on a school morning and cook it up in the microwave for a quick, homemade breakfast.  I also make up lunches and pre-package snacks ahead of time so we can grab-and-go. 

My family eats homemade meals most nights (except the occasional pizza night) as well as breakfasts and packed lunches.  We save a lot of money by doing this ordinarily; but, we really noticed that after my layoff (going on 1 month now) we were able to continue to eat well from the freezer and pantry without having to skimp.

I hope to write more about the changes in my life in future blogs.......don't forget to come back to see what other changes I might be making around here!  God bless......

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nehemiah Night

Tonight I attended "Nehemiah Night" at my church.  Based on the book of Nehemiah, we were encouraged to be still and wait for God.  It is during this quiet time alone that we are able to de-clutter our minds and our hearts and be more open to what God is trying to tell us.  It was just what I needed.  You see, this journey I'm on is not just about my material clutter.  It is a holistic cleaning up of my life! 

I was encouraged and felt peaceful about this journey I have started.  It is the right thing for me to be doing at this time in my life.  I feel that it is all in preparation for something much bigger that God has planned for me.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Not going to count....

After a few really crazy days at work, and being too tired at night to post a blog entry, I have made the "executive decision" not to count my days.  It is a journey, after all, and should not be measured in time but rather in the steps I have made towards the end goal. 

I must admit that I cheated a bit this week and did back-slide into some old habits.  I have resolved, this day, to continue to move forward and to use the upcoming long weekend to run a little bit to catch back up to where I want to be. full disclosure on my back-sliding.....I didn't post a blog entry each day as I had committed myself to do; I skipped a day writing in my faith journal as well; I didn't pack my lunch and bought lunch out two days in a row; and :::insert gasp here::: I left dirty dishes on my counter last night!  I know what you are thinking.  None of those things are horribly bad, but I am working on making changes here to bad habit and trying to create new and positive habits for the future. 

On the positive side of things, I have started noticing a change in our bank account because some of the changes we have been making with the budget and shopping side of things.  Those are things to be discussed in future posts! 

What baby steps will you be taking today on your journey towards your goals?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 4 - Eat Your Pantry

One of the blogs I follow has issued a challenge to their family and to readers to "Eat Your Pantry" during the month of September.  

I'm sure a lot of you do what I do and stand with the cupboard doors open wondering what there is to eat.  Most of us have way more food on hand than we realize and this challenge is a good way to use it up!  Basically you eat meals using up what you already have.  Not only will you save some money on your grocery bills but you and your family may also have a good time creating new dishes or trying new recipes in the process.

I think I might be doing some baking over the next few weeks in order to use up the canned pumpkin I seem to have stock piled.  Good think I love pumpkin cookies with chocolate chips!!

Want to take the challenge?  Why not join us.  Feel free to post some of your challenge meals......

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 3 - Back to School

We're getting ready, just like so many families, for the kids to go back to school.  At the dinner table recently I had a conversation with my kids about some of the changes we would be making this year.  Typically, because I work outside the home full time, my kids have eaten school lunch.  It was more convenient for me and they didn't seem to mind.  As for me, I have a really bad habit of eating on the run for lunch.  For the sake of convenience, we were spending a TON of money on food.  Between my morning coffee, lunch on the go and two school lunches....five times a week.....we were spending on average of    <insert gasp here>   $75 per week!!!!  That is almost $3,375 during the school year over and above my grocery budget. 

When I explained the math, the kids were rather shocked at how much we were spending.  They were all in favor of making a change.  We all decided that we would pack our lunches.  We could have fun with it AND we eat more healthy as well. 

I'm collecting all sorts of lunch ideas.  Feel free to share your favorites as well.....